First Principles Thinking
Master the mindset based on the First Principle Mindset principle, and let’s build an innovative, technological, digital, and AI-driven world together.

2×90 minutes


About the course

Master the First Principle Mindset!

The goal of this training is to enable participants to master First Principle-based problem-solving, which differs significantly from traditional analogy and past experience-based strategies. This methodology’s key lies in breaking problems down to their fundamental elements, allowing for innovative solutions independent of conventional frameworks. First Principles thinking is particularly crucial in the digital age, where companies must rapidly respond to technological changes and the influx of information.

Based on Daniel Kahneman’s research, we know that the human brain is not equipped to quickly and efficiently process large amounts of information necessary for tackling complex challenges. The First Principles methodology allows decision-makers to move beyond instinctive reactions and approach problem-solving consciously and structurally, thereby enhancing their companies’ innovation capabilities and competitive edge in an AI-driven market. Upon completing the training, participants will be able to radically rethink their corporate processes and strategies, fostering rapid adaptation and long-term success in the era of digital transformation.

Who do we recommend the course to?

  • Anyone aiming for innovative thinking in companies of the digital age.


Building Blocks of Concept

Enhancing Organizational Maturity! – Rather than expecting a breakthrough from a specific solution, new digitalization, or the introduction of AI tools brought in from outside! Let’s not immediately search for the most impactful investment! First, we need to build organizational maturity. Employees need to understand how digitalization, technology, and AI can support their work, understand what they can be good for and what they can’t. After this, let’s develop solution proposals with those employees who understand the business processes and are now open to new, innovative solutions.

We are looking for good usage examples, use cases. We look at what bottlenecks are, and seek examples of the tools introduced in our industry and similar fields, which can provide solutions to real problems. You can make progress on this path towards the generation of the best online writing services

We create the concept! The human factor is crucial, not only during implementation but also in the long term. If the formulation of the foundational solution does not align with our business processes, the concept won’t be tailored to our company, resulting in a generic solution that doesn’t truly add value. During the training, we carefully reconsider and outline the process step by step to maximize added value while maintaining employees’ sense of security.


Our instructors are outstanding professionals in their fields, delivering knowledge through years of experience and practice-oriented training. They provide expertise that allows our participants to enjoy continuous development and growth.

Interested in our tailored corporate training?

Are you seeking education for an entire development team? Perhaps you’re interested in other technologies? Get in touch with us, and we’ll send you a customized proposal designed to meet your company’s needs and knowledge levels, featuring unique topics and schedules.

Companies who trust us

That’s why you should choose us!

We develop our IT training programs agilely, tailored to the latest technological demands, with a practical orientation and based on continuous feedback, serving both individuals and companies.

Our professional team boasts world-class developer experience. Our instructors come from the corporate sector, and when designing our curriculum, we always prioritize market demands. For personalized training, following a free needs assessment, we craft a unique syllabus and schedule tailored to your company’s needs and knowledge levels. We offer results-oriented solutions that align with our partners’ business objectives at all times. It is our mission to impart IT knowledge and a mindset that our students can joyfully apply to enrich their personal development.


If you have any questions, please contact our colleagues using one of the following contact methods.

Gábor Laczkó

+36 (20) 416 – 1932

Orsolya Jagos

+36 (30) 705 – 0973